Winners will be announced via Facebook and Instagram on the 3rd day of the month.
We at Tri-city Children’s Dentistry in a continuing effort to promote preventive dental care and reward our patients whom brush, floss, and come in for their six month regularly checks ups; have created the “No Cavity Club”.
Patients returning to the office for their 6 month check-ups whom do not have any cavities get their names placed on our “No Cavity Club” bulletin board; and are eligible for the prize drawing at the end of each month.
The winner will be announced on Facebook and Instagram on the third day of the month. If you see your name, contact our office at 760-724-1102 to claim your prize. You only have until the 15th of that month to claim your winnings.
The Winner for July is:
Princess Ayla Clibourne. Whom won a gift certificate to Chuck-e-Cheese. Ayla loves Swimming and in her own words is “an expert climber”.